How can the data help?
The main focus of this project was to use the data given from various sources to try and visualize where the main problem lies, which in this case was "where does the most crime occur" and what measures can we take to prevent it.
Only in an ideal world can crime decrease to zero, but in reality even if it starts decreasing little by little, over time it will add up and it will be less of a problem than it is today.
For these visualizations, an edited data set was taken to compare the types of crimes recorded by the NYPD and data processed by the python program. As seen, some cases like robbery still pose a problem but not as much as before, which is represented by the NYPD Chart.(Source included in the citations tab.
The data listed shows, the amount of those crimes or incidents occurring in NYC. When looking at this, the authorities can put more effort into focusing on the crime that occurs with high frequency, and try to combat it. To decrease robberies more, the NYPD can increase the amount of omnidirectional cameras to make robberies more difficult for people to conduct.